Professional escorts get to know a side of their clients that common people are not exposed to. These sex workers get to know even the darkest as well as the most hidden impulses of their customers, coming face to face with all sorts of feelings that their romantic partners or their friends don’t get to see. Here are the most common sexual fantasies most people have, according to professional blonde escorts.
Forced feminization is some sort of practice in which male customers pay in order to be forced into adopting several traditionally female behaviors. These behaviors may include cross-dressing as well as taking on a more passive role when it comes to sex. This type of process usually involves humiliation. Therefore, these men would wear panties and bras, and in some cases, they would put some make-up on and parade them around wearing high heels. Many ladies wonder why do men use escorts, and the truth is that they do it because they have unsatisfied sexual fantasies. Therefore, if your partner doesn’t satisfy all your sexual needs, then hiring a professional call girl is without a doubt a very good idea.
This type of sexual fantasy involves all sorts of dynamics, usually those where there is an imbalance of power, such as a boss and an employee or a teacher and a student. Professional escorts explain that this type of fantasy is extremely attractive simply because customers get to explore taboo as well as potentially dangerous scenarios in a safe way. If there is anything you want to try in terms of sex, then hire a sex worker. What escorts do is beyond imagination, and experience with them will certainly be unforgettable and fulfilling.
‘’Forced’’ bi
There are male customers who are very interested in this practice, and they usually come to an agreement with their female sex workers to create a scenario where they are being forced to perform sexual acts with other men, whereas they are being watched by the escort. Believe it or not, there are lots of men who get turned on by this sexual fantasy, and this happens because they get to explore a taboo subject. Escorts have revealed that there are men who run important businesses or have amazing careers, and who have this fantasy of being humiliated. This happens because in real-life they are leaders and everyone obeys them, whereas in this fantasy they have a totally different role.
This is another common sexual fantasy that lots of men and women have. In general, men are very interested in threesomes with two women. In some cases, escorts say that some men don’t even want to participate in the sexual act, as they are happy if simply watching the two ladies satisfying each other. Threesomes are without a doubt a safe sexual fantasy that doesn’t involve hurting someone or making someone feel bad. It is a good fantasy if we can say so, that usually disappears once it is put into practice.